Visual and Digital Quality, Autumn 2020!

We have all experienced a very different and stressful spring semester, which has now turned into summer holidays and vacations for most of us, but it also gives us some space for reflection on what we have experienced and worked with during these chaotic months.

I have worked with digitalisation of education for 10 years and for me this is nothing new, but I have full understanding and respect for everyone else who has been forced into an unwanted “panic skills development”.

August and the autumn term are not far away, but there is still time to plan and make the “right” decision about the next round of a more digitalised education.

I would like to help with some recommendations for teachers before the autumn term, or call it a manifesto for visual learning and digital quality if you like.

– Make demands on your school / university to give you the right tools and skills development to be able to conduct a digital version of your teaching. You should not yourself need to look for “free apps”, apps that are not as user-friendly or media pedagogical – pens and paper etc. are not free either!

– Do not take chances with your digital teaching. Without education or experience of what works or not, it is very hard to succeed in producing and distributing digital learning materials.

– Think about accessibility, media pedagogy and student engagement in everything you produce and distribute.

– Network, help each other, and share learning materials!

Good luck!
Jonas Thorén

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