Just a video?

I have previously mentioned that video and film in education are nothing new. But in recent years, digitalization has led to an explosive increase in the use of audiovisual learning materials of various kinds. There are those who claim that video is an overly passive teaching material, and it definitely can be. A video createdContinue reading “Just a video?”


I have long advocated the idea of a so-called “Teacher Team”, a team that has received some coaching in visual and digital learning etc. Teachers, students, teacher assistants, ICT-pedagogues etc. who help each other create, find, package, distribute and administer digital learning materials of various kinds. All for a more accessible, sustainable, media pedagogic andContinue reading “SCHOOLYWOOD?”

To stream or not to stream video – that is the question we should ask ourselves today!

During the last crazy corona week I have followed a large number of facebook groups from different countries, and I would like to share a couple of reflections on that. Teachers seem to have a lot of problems with livestreams of video and bandwidth, and Im not surprised, not at all. Is it really thatContinue reading “To stream or not to stream video – that is the question we should ask ourselves today!”